These are the thoughts of an individual trying his best to survive against the odds of the present world. An everlasting drive to rise above the challenges of contemporary life. These are my thoughts and emotions that have made me the person I am today. The will to succeed and thirst for success is my core motivation in life while constantly striving to be a better human in the eyes of God..
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Nothing is what it seems.....
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Flight UL 316
The day came for me to depart the shores of Lanka, and I was quite ready. I always face reality, most of the time anyway. But I must confess, living in a dream would not be half as bad. A holiday that manifested into many memories of all kinds is what lingers in my head. As I made my way to the airport, I made my final calls to those who are very close to me. Life 4 months after would be much different and seldom give you the opportunity to be complacent. There was a small part of me giving a meagre fight to stay back, but it was drowned.
Upon reaching the airport I met up with MB because we were to check-in together. Obviously, spreading the weight made sense since we knew both of us would be flying heavy. Time taken to check-in in the Colombo airport is ridiculous considering a handful of counters. Then an officer walks up to us informing the flight is overbooked. We were supposed to fly-off at 1.25am, but now the only option would be taking a flight at 7.25am via S’pore. This meant spending about 6 hours in the airport for which the airline assured we will be accommodated in a hotel. Number of people stranded amounted to 9: 3 Lankans, 4 Malaysians and a British dad with his sleepy daughter. The British dad started talking to me, and I replied in the same accent. In need of a demo please ask for it next time you meet me. I sure hope he didn’t think I was mocking him.
Hotel facilities were very satisfactory inclusive of a wake up call. You know, just in case!! Sleeping for 2 hours hardly gets you refreshed, but something better than nothing eh?? All the people were very groggy with the sole expectation of ending this travelling nightmare. It was a good thing I speak the local lingo, if not the poor foreigners would have been a bit lost. Local immigration officials never learn to have more than 4 or 5 operational booths. I mean, are these people retarded?? How hard could it be for them to expand their manpower without having snaking queues? Final minutes in the motherland were ticking away as the suns rays kissed the runway. Did I mention that our baggage's were cleared despite it being overly overweight? Well, maybe its not a bad thing being delayed.
I was to land in KL via S'pore, which meant that there would be a stop-over for about 2 hours. By the time we reached S'pore all the people were tired and doing their best to ridicule the airline. I joined in too because its the only justifiable thing to do. I mean, they messed it up at the start, in it?? In Changi airport walking was not welcomed, but there was nothing we could do about it. I thought KLIA was big, then here I am in Changi and its gigantic. I found a table were people were placing papers and colouring. The child in me emerged and I went to it, ending with about 3 different coloured portraits. There is a lot one can engage in while waiting in Changi, which is a good thing. Landed in KL at about 4 pm on 20 December fully exhausted.
But it gets better, as in, the airline gave us a free ticket for their error. More of my adventures in due time because I haven't had time to settle into campus life as yet. I'm still in the holiday mood to be very frank.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Let me take the memories, for it is all I have...
Monday, December 01, 2008
24 years strong
The old night owl days and……. how to shake it!!
I was also thinking what if Miss. X was here to take in the ambience of this place. Hmm!!
Yea baby, that’s right…… SHAKE IT!!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
To Hambantota & Back: Retracing the roots (Part III)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
To Hambantota & Back: Retracing the roots (Part II)
Monday, November 24, 2008
To Hambantota & Back: Retracing the roots (Part I)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Hello..... I'm your liaison
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuk-tuk, 8 ball pool with hidden skills
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
City of Colombo
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Silver Badge
One fine day, bapa took me to the main building of college; my age about 8 years at that time.

I realised a dream in the final year of my school career. I remember vividly, that day, when the master-in-charge of prefects called out my name as 'Deputy Head Prefect' in the general assembly (a gathering of all students). A very proud moment for me in my life, but nothing was more resounding than bapa shaking my hand and saying "congratulations.....well done." Insignia worn by a Royal prefect is unique, as in the badge is made of silver. No other prefect in the entire island except our wears such a badge. Egoistic as this may sound, it makes ones appointment unique.
I searched for my old badge after returning home. I openend the box and there it was. I took it out of the box and held it in my left hand, and traced the surface from my right. Memories came back in the form of a flash flood, or maybe in the likes of a tidal wave. I looked at it long and hard for a very long time reminding myself of the good times and bad. Gosh!! Those were the day; the best days of my life. Do imagine how the crest would look in silver, ya!!
At that point, it dawned to me that there are only memories for me to hold on to, and sometimes tangible bits and pieces.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A run by the sea & King Coconuts

Friday, November 14, 2008
Kapangnye datang??
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Bald Chef
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I want to fly... soar free through the sky
Yesterday, MB and I, went shopping to buy things for our families. The things we bought were mostly for the womenfolk. I realised something very important yesterday. It was that men are not at all built for this kind of activity. We seriously lack the skills and not to mention the stamina. One incident that I find quite amusing is both of us choosing scarves for our ladies. I had absolutely no clue as to what I should do. Both of us relied on each other for better judgement. Last thing you want to find out is mum not being happy with the things bought. Brooches were another challenging area. I must say women are living in a very colourful world. A typical guy only lives with the colours blue, black, green, brown, and a few others. I being colour blind is a serious disability, thus leaving all the responsibility in the hands of MB. I found out that there is a colour called magenta!! Neither of us knew how it looked like. Did you know that Mydin has a Muslimin section?? Way to go, Mydin!! Hearing this made both of us giggle.
I can just visualise myself 30,000 ft in the air dancing with the clouds. The rays of the sun streaming through my window. It's going to be one hell of a ride back. Apprently, there are a lot people from UIA going in the same flight. To all those in M'sia happy holidays. To all my dudes in lanka, let's get the party started. Last but not least, Miss. X, I shall return after 40 days to restrat my chase. Au revoir, cheri!!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Impossible is nothing
I'm all too familiar with the dynamics of a multi-cultural community, and I hold a minority perspective. Understanding the majority outlook does not warrant much effort. Its pretty simple from my point of view; that is majority gets a higher priority. Discrimination is prevalent in every nation and none can deny this fact. But why is it not possible to give people what they are due?? Demanding of rights by various groups of people around the world is now quite over-rated. What they fail to realise is that for one to demand their rights, they should also fulfill their duties. Rights and duties go hand in hand, and cannot be realised independently.
A journey of a thousand miles starts with just a step. As the number of steps keep on accumulating, the objective would be to complete ones journey. A new dawn has broken, and lets hope the impetus derived from it can be sustained while spreading its radiance to other parts of the world. In the end, the world should converge their ideals to a single cause, and that is the cause of equity. Equity is the need of the hour and let all those people who are in slumber be awoken to its call. Let it pierce their hearts, and bring about a new world renaissance.
Yes, people the world is changing, and the human race still has hope. Reach, sky is the limit.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Drop it like its HOT
Meeting a friend after 3 long years is really a very happy and emotional moment (in a guys emotional way, and no tears). When this chap is the top seeded tennis player back home it adds more weight to the whole thing. The only tennis player from Sri Lanka to play at international tourneys. That's got to count for something in it?? Yea people, eat your heart out!! I know the top dog of Sri Lankan tennis and he's one of my good mates. It was certainly nice to catch up on old times. Meeting him was only possible because he is playing a tourney in KL. It felt like ages, but nothing has changed. I must say the last time I met him my head had more hair than it does now. So, while going to his room he just said "so, the hair is not on you huh??" After the tourney he is back in the homeland, an we are going to go wild. It's going to be just like old times, and we're kicking it our style.
Insomnia is your worst enemy at this point. I have bags under my eyes as a result of sleep deprivation. I look like a freakin zombie, but only funnier due to my never ending supply of rhetorics. There is this slight black veil under my eyes. Yes, a first to my final exam torture in a long time. A few semesters back I had all of my papers one after the other. Just imagine five exams in 5 days. By the time I was through, I had a blot clot in my left eye.
So, for all those reading this I got only one this to say. Drop it like its HOT!!! Anyway you know how to do it is ok with me. You can take this literally or even metaphorically. If you dont know how to do it metaphorically, then dammit drop the frying pan!!! I, of course will stick to the literal version for safety. Now, where's my bloody kettle?!?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
An interview with Cupid
It seems like everyone has been made to divulge sensitive info thanks to Miss. Angel. I have no clue as to why I’m doing this, but studying constantly makes me bored at present. This is one of the ways that I find to unwind. Let’s divert from the common format and make it tad bit more exciting. I will do my own version of Miss. Angel’s wedding tag. Before I start, do not that Mr. Cupid (‘C’ henceforth) is the interviewer. This should be fun at my expense. So, here goes.
C: How old are you?
I: Well, 23 years old.
C: Are you single?
I: Dude, you know the answer to that one, right?
C: Yes... yes. Just checking so let me jot it down. There.... you are ‘hopelessly’ single.
I: Why did you say ‘hopelessly?’
C: My boy, you are just not hitting the right notes at the right time. Plus you’re cramping my style too!!! Try to up the ante.
C: What age do you think you will get married?
I: Erm.... is it possible between 28 and 30?? Later than 30 would be a bloody tragedy.
I: So, you reckon I can’t??
C: The way you’re going fat chance, buddy boy! And I shit you not. I have to ask my lady friends how to deal with you. It’s bad for my image, you know.
C: Are you into anyone now by any chance?
I: Oh yes!! I think she’s a lovely gal, and I didn’t expect it to happen. It was just a....
(Cupid suddenly interrupts)
C: Oh for God sake man stop whining. It’s my job you’re talking about. It’s what I do best you see. But do tell about the progress??
I: It’s like a river flowing to the sea, or like one way traffic on a busy highway and the signal lights are seriously not functioning.
C: Ahh... that bad eh?!!? I did try to help, but I don’t think my arrows are carrying enough dosage to deliver a potent punch. I should change my cheap Chinese supplier.
I: Are you telling me that you’re shooting blanks? How can you deceive me like this?
C: Heavens no, my chap. It’s just that she has a very strong armour and not to mention an ‘I-don’t-like-relationship’ force-field. She is a tough cookie no doubt!!
C: Any other options on your mind?
I: Not really because this situation is quite a stomach full. Why do you ask? Any ideas swimming inside your head?
C: I got news from the grapevine that Bangi is rocking this time of year. If you get a chance don’t forget Damansara, Ampang, and the many shopping malls ok!! I try to localise my services as much as possible since Mr. Hitch is getting tech-savvy.
C: Now for the wedding details... how’s it going to go down??
I: Oh BITE ME, will you!! I’ll let the woman handle it. That’s fine, isn’t it?
C: Perfect answer, spoken like a true man. I have to ask this question since it’s in the questionnaire you see. I follow ISO 9001 standards and they audit me quite strictly.
I: So, what happens now? Any more questions?
I: Wow! Your using the ‘lah’ already. How come maestro and who is your client?
C: The ‘lah’ is because of this new angel chick I started dating from
Cupid gets ready to go and flaps his wings and then retorts looking back “I really should go for my wing-and-feather treatments more often!!” Then he comes close to me and gives a word of advice “Now cheer up boy, take it like a man. And here.... have a banana. It’s good for instant energy, seriously. Until next time hang in there.”
Ahhhh...... there we are, all done. Now you know the guy perspective. It’s a step by step thing, which is very wobbly, quite unpredictable, and not inclusive of contingency plans. Stay tuned for the next episode.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Answering the call...
(O Allah! I ask You for the understanding of the prophets and the memory of the messengers, and those nearest to You)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Closed closets with open secrets
In my head: ‘With arms wide open’ by Creed.
Getting rid of the pre-exam blues is essential for my psyche. Just thinking of the dreaded challenge ahead makes my head spin like a top. On Thursday (23rd Oct), it turned out to be a cut loose sessions with a many things coming out of the closet from those who were present at Miss. Nerd’s house.
The narration of the past events will be done in names that give more excitement to the reader. I like it this way by giving everyone nicknames. It’s more enjoyable and a bit anonymous, I hope.
Miss. Angel was good enough to give me a lift to the place along with her hubby, and not to mention
The lunch was very delicious and I did not hesitate to take seconds from most of the things. But I took many serving of the satay. Who wants to count that anyway?? The guys were left to shame by Miss. Model who marched on to the third serving with ease. This is one chick who knows how to dig in. I must say it was very enjoyable to see a lady not bothered about eating less. Hats off to Miss. Nerd for preparing a luncheon that hit all the right notes. Now where’s my check list?? I have to strike out ‘culinary ability’ on Miss. Nerd’s profile.
Miss. Hyper took most people’s attention by giving captions to many pics taken that day. The most common was she posing as the second wife of Miss. Angel. I’m hardly complaining because I played a part in one of the pics - Miss. Hyper’s jealous ex-boyfriend. I’m quite content with the response from those present, but the best would be Miss. Model. Her ability to mimic many emotions and the art of effortless posing seem too good. On the bright side, women are good at posing anyway.
All in all, it was great food, bellies full of laughs, hundreds of candid pics, and not to mention the kinky nonsense talk. It was perfect, and to all those who were there “let’s do it again eyy?”
What I learnt out of this:
- Baju Melayu is like Kryptonite to women so it’s no harm flaunting it while it lasts.
- Women know that guys don’t like skinny models, and prefer Sports Illustrated (well, Miss. Model did anyway!!)
- Living up to Miss. Hyper’s standards of posing requirements is certainly tough and not to mention awkward.
- You can admit to any guy things amidst women as long as your girlfriend is not there.
- It’s not only guys who act gay because chicks do it too. (this was mind blowing)
- Apparently, for some reason all the ‘HOT’ women seem to be living in Bangi ( know who you are??)
p.s- If you folks want to see priests singing ‘Ave Maria’ do check this out.