After a few days apart with our respective families MB and I got back together. Please, its not what you folks think. Then again, I can't stop what's going on inside your little teeny tiny brains. The first sentence sounds all too common in the form of a boy-meet-girl situation, no??
The plan was to continue our fitness routine, no matter how difficult it would be. So, MB picked me up from my house and we went to Marine Drive- a road that stretches a good extent along the seaside starting from MB's house about 4km in length. We jogged a good distance, but there was certainly no incentive to carry on. We were wondering why there are so many uncles and aunties; is there a shortage of young ladies' over here?? After about 2km we stopped, and had made the distance in 7 minutes, impressive no?? Marine Drive seriously needs to get some pretty ladies to run over there on weekends. If not, I'm thinking of changing location. The golden rule of going jogging is location, location, location!! We turned around and headed back to MB's house, which was followed by a routine of push-ups, squats, pull-ups and many more.
While chilling down we got to talking and a very burning issue came up. I asked MB if was easy to adjust to the local situation being a bit removed from it all. He said it was ok, and nothing to worry about. What hit the both of us was one aspect, which I thought faced only me. Upon asking if he feels somewhat empty inside, he said 'yes.' Bingo!! Then we deliberated the whole scenario in detail. We were in the motherland; there are all the people we dearly love, and not to mention the friends; so whats the problem?? Both us brought forth notions from our thinking hats, but they hardly seemed to fit the situation at hand. We just couldn't put our finger on it. There is an element that seems to be missing, which is essential for our psychological state of well being. On the other hand, both of are not remotely disappointed in any manner either. The missing aspect eluded both MB and I, thus we decided to ask others who have come from abroad if they feel the same way too. Too bad Sigmund Freud is six feet under, damn it!!
On my way back home, we stopped at a stall to drink king coconut; a member of the coconut family, orange in colour, containing the sweetest liquid inside its shell. Firstly, you drink the liquid inside the shell and later eat its contents. While trying to scrape the coconut's contents, and failing at it, it showed how out of touch both of us were. The only things I said was 'God, this is so embarrassing. Since when did we become so incompetent? Guess we are a higher breed of city boys, eh!!'
Tune in for more adventures of MB and I in the following days. Cheers and have a coconut!!

after reading this, i picture u guys jogging along this windy boulevard in some cold climate country. dont know why but i do hehe
Imagine a long stretch of road and cool breeze coming from the sea.. the sound of waves crashing along the rocks, and vehicles whizzing past you like the world is going to end. That should be do the trick :D
what exactly DOES MB stand for?
and i don't know what you need pretty ladies for when you have the SEA!!!
that'd be enough motivation for me.
MB= Mama's Boy
Ladies and the sea are complimentary, and is not complete on its own. Plus, the see is the same while as the other is not ;)hehe
*shakes head
ps - don't waste your credit, Ahmed!
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