Wednesday, June 10, 2009


When guys want something from another they let you know about it. Being subtle is a trait not well acquainted with Martians, neither is patience. Due to MB leaving, we decided to host a dinner for all the guys from the motherland. They have a very good way of being insistent and also getting the message across to those who matter. I realised few minutes before dinner that MB had not done this sort of thing before. Evidence was apparent when I saw the plates he had bought; diameter of about 18cm, and they were the "biggest" he could find. That blunder gave precedence to many heckles from all quarters, but MB's defence stood firm saying "those were the biggest plates I found." All in all, the dinner ended without any further unexpected surprises.

Previously, en route to collecting the food, my friend driving the car told me to be "careful" and "on guard." Upon inquiry he said be ready for a 'soak' after dinner, thus wearing old clothes/rags would be appropriate. I tried to talk my way out of it and in the process transfer my portion on to MB, but that fell on deaf ears. When the last of the guys were to leave I went to my friends cubicle to have a chat with MB. Nothing like having all four cubicles in a room occupied by your country mates. After a few minutes I heard 'crack' sound followed by a gooey liquid trickling down my scalp. Seconds later, a piece of egg shell fell to the floor, and right at that moment MB got it smack on the head; two eggs a piece!!! Actually, there had been six, two of them had cracked because of faulty handling. A pity, no?? There I was with pieces of egg shell on my head with yolk dripping down my neck. It was as if Humpty Dumpty along with a friend had fallen on me.

Advantage of having a bald head is that everything can be washed off easily, which was not the same for MB. Both of us were quite jovial after the whole incident, even giving each other 'high five.' I know, it's insanely ironic. MB and I even shook hands with the eggor: person who hit us with eggs, not forgetting to thank him. Weird right?? The person pissed off with all of this happened to be a non-eggee: person who was not hit by eggs, whose room was a disaster. Egg was seen all over his room, and it ain't pretty. I was relieved that I didn't get egged in my room. After mopping the room, cleaning his table along with other objects covered with egg, few minutes of cursing (which made MB and I laugh), everything was back to normal.

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