Things seem to be taking a turn for the better, meaning a flicker of light is bleakly visible beyond the tunnel- the tunnel of my unemployment. Looking back on events transpired, they to me, feel as though it was for the best. After being "kicked out" of my first job in Sri Lanka without a second chance, I realised not all people are into forgiveness. As for my line manager who made me quit, I wish nothing for her but the worst!! That does make me feel a bit better, somewhat. To a great extent having personal contacts becomes advantageous when applying for a job. Needless to say, I found out the hard way (I the idiot who thought people get jobs solely on merit) when going through interviews for a multinational involved in the dairy business. From "highly recommended" in the first round I went to being rejected after the second round; got called back again to the third round only be rejected once again. I had a justifiable reason to be pissed-off.
Enough was enough I thought, so to dad I went. He took a phone call to one of his friends and I had an interview. A job is pretty much assured, and now what remains is my designation and pay. In terms of pay I really shouldn't be picky because to be employed is more than a relief. Of course, naming the company is out of the question, then again, a career of bras & panties can't be all that bad, eh?!? I mean the market seems to be booming for lingerie and intimate clothing.
Since February I've had a lot of free time, correction.... too much free time!! But I wasn't jobless for the entire period due to having worked on assignment in March until about June. Having spare time on my hands, I could attend many events that eluded me while being abroad like the Royal-Thomian, both legs of the Bradby, the Royal parade et al. Meeting people whom you've not seen in 5 years definitely brings a cheer; one is because of the long absence, the other without doubt are changes in physique. Most of the chaps who were thin then are fat now, and the reversal has taken effect on those who were fat. I'm one of those who belong to the second category and the reviews have been quite flattering.
After prayers today I thought of having a small bite, so went to a shop and ate a few samosas. They were really good and I went a second time after like 10 min (didn't care if I ate lunch or not). The shop also had many types of sweets, which I promised myself I'd taste later. I'm making a resolution to be more consistent in my blogging from now on; enough of this lazy streak that keeps me tied down. Starting work soon would definitely give me more things to write about and how it affects my life.
Since February I've had a lot of free time, correction.... too much free time!! But I wasn't jobless for the entire period due to having worked on assignment in March until about June. Having spare time on my hands, I could attend many events that eluded me while being abroad like the Royal-Thomian, both legs of the Bradby, the Royal parade et al. Meeting people whom you've not seen in 5 years definitely brings a cheer; one is because of the long absence, the other without doubt are changes in physique. Most of the chaps who were thin then are fat now, and the reversal has taken effect on those who were fat. I'm one of those who belong to the second category and the reviews have been quite flattering.
After prayers today I thought of having a small bite, so went to a shop and ate a few samosas. They were really good and I went a second time after like 10 min (didn't care if I ate lunch or not). The shop also had many types of sweets, which I promised myself I'd taste later. I'm making a resolution to be more consistent in my blogging from now on; enough of this lazy streak that keeps me tied down. Starting work soon would definitely give me more things to write about and how it affects my life.
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