I just have no inclination as to how fast time is flying, it’s as though time is riding on turbo boost. In the midst of this academic hullabaloo some aspects seem to be a ‘first.’ It may sound very outlandish, but I can’t help thinking about it. As a first, there happens to be two gay dudes in two of my classes, and I wonder the probability of it happening in ones final semester. Then on Tuesday, the lecturer for retail management went ‘commando’ and whipped up a pop quiz. Well, I keep asking myself if I will actually miss it all.
If I’m on the wrong side, then you have to listen to Trace Adkins who fought it out with Pierce Morgan for the title of ‘The Celebrity Apprentice.’ Now there’s a reality story that will make you hold your breath. Trace Atkins is a country singer and a damn good one too.
In a recent phone conversation with mummy dearest, she told me of discovering a draft in the home pc of the trip to Hambantota when I was on holiday. Apparently, both mum and dad were quite impressed with what they had read; that resulted in a few minutes of praise. I thought both were being nice just for the sake of it. In my case compliments sure don’t come frequently. Then her voice took sterner tone and I heard her say “seriously, I think you should try to improve on this.” Hmmmmm, I wonder if I’m Pulitzer material, or even a Nobel Prize?? I really should padlock the door to my house of imagination before things get out of hand.
In all of my stupid action to date, I managed to pull another one, which went contrary to my better judgement. You reading this must be asking the question why?? I apparently saw Ms. X in campus and she happened to be talking to a friend, thus I went on my way not wanting to intrude. Then the devil spoke into my ears in the form of MB propelling me to speak a few words. Knowing how lame my action would be I declined, but my counter argument was not substantive. Event that transpired after is something I would like to refer as a ‘jackass’ moment. I walked up to her and exchanged pleasantries as customary, then was out of words. I also had a feeling that Ms. X was engrossed in a conversation with one of her friends. Inside my head the thought process was as follows- ‘Well, you’ve landed yourself in shit now. Get a move on before you start looking like more of an ass.’ I hastily made a gracious retreat and went on my way. If you’re thinking it’s the nerves that were not the case. I actually didn’t have anything to talk about and I’m not the kind of person to fake it either, so there it is.
I took heed in the saying ‘good friends don’t let you do stupid things.........alone.’ But honestly speaking I’d like to experience a ‘doughnut’ incident, although statistically the probability is very low. That may be too much to ask because MB would divert the attention of the doer at the last minute. LOL!!!! It’s the ‘wingman’ dilemma faced by many people like myself.
February is no doubt going to be a very hectic month with all of my mid terms scheduled in it. Final semester is unique because the assignments all are very novel, nothing remotely related, which is hard to believe given past precedence. So far my most interesting subjects are international management (the lecturer whom I’d call as ‘more than a woman’ and more on her later), entrepreneurship, methods of da’wah (dedication of the lecturer is beyond anyone I’ve seen), and not to mention Arabic (I call it the ‘retard’ session). It’s the only time I experience being challenged in the field of education without a notion as to what the hell is going on.
When the curtain closes on this act, which it will in about 3 months, I would miss a certain part of it. I can remember walking out the school gates for the last time, never to be a schoolboy ever again. All I do now is reminisce about the glorious, most enjoyable and care-free time of my yesteryears. In this scenario also it’s quite the same. Even though, one act comes to an end the play must go on until the finally. To me, what I’ll most likely miss are the people and their companionship.
The saying ‘good things never last long’ is spot on. I’m realising it now. Every passing day brings me closer to that juncture where everyone would have to part ways. I’ll be doing it for the second time in my life. It has to be done eventually, thus no point in ignoring it. My only regret stems from not being able to interact more with the people I’ve met at the latter stage of my undergrad life. If only I could turn back time!!!
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