Saturday, February 07, 2009

The other side of Venus

I’ve always wanted to write about residents living in Venus. It’s mostly because of how intriguing they are as a race, or species. When I come to think about it, there have been many instances, which have made me come closer to Venus’s gravitational pull. On a personal basis, there have not been many instances because I have not had a prolonged relationship with a Venusian. The only Venusian I have known for a considerable time would be my mother; now, that’s one person who will dish out info on a need to know basis. The negative side being one cannot ask your mother all the questions. I have also complemented on my listening skills a few times as well.

The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ''What does a woman want?” - Sigmund Freud

Along the way, there have been many occasions where I have had lengthy conversations with those from Venus. One thing I have noticed is that the approach to every situation is always different. Of course, when considering Martians, they tend to follow an ‘almost’ similar thought process. The kind of conversation I’ve had –even though they are a handful- was the no holds barred. I got to ask any question, and knew of an honest reply would come from the other end. When you get such an opportunity one seldom misses out.

In a recent dialogue with a cousin –divorced with two children- she gave me an insight to what went wrong. I tried my best to not cross the line, but in matters such as this asking a barrage of questions cannot be helped. What I liked most is that she was open in her views and didn’t hold back on anything. It was also a factor in tempting me to ask more questions. From what I gathered, she felt hollow in her marriage; the love given by her was not being reciprocated to an equal level. As she narrated certain events of the past I tired to put myself in her shoes. I tried to feel how it would be like, but in all honesty I may have not even come close. She said I’m matured in my way of looking at Venusians, taking into account of my description of Ms. X. I take it she was quite impressed at my mention of what attracted me to Ms. X at first- her personality. In her perspective Martians always tend to give priority to physical attributes more; a correct observation in majority scenarios.

Marriage counselling according to my cousin is essential for any couple before marriage. Apparently, it’s done to see how well both people ‘fit’ or ‘gel’ together. Once two people have said their “I dos” there is no turning back. In spite of trying several times to work things out separation was imminent. I also learnt that whatever words that are uttered from ones mouth, they should come from the heart. Saying and doing should go hand in hand. At times, words can become a cure to women, thus easing notions of insecurity or uncertainty. Listening is also a very valued trait to the people of Venus. Then there comes the ‘actions speak louder than words’ scenario where you have to make them know that you’re there for them; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I’ve heard almost everything under the sun, and it is very interesting. People in my eyes are a constant source of knowledge in their outlook, behaviour, actions, judgement, perception, thought process, and the list is endless. All of my encounters would be difficult to mention since there are many. Learning from people is one of my core objectives in life. It just fascinates me. I used to try different types of motivation methods with my junior schoolmates while handling projects. One thing I realised was that, the exact type of motivation may be successful in getting the job done, but won’t last long. Also it will not affect two individuals in an equal manner, thus producing varying results depending on how each person values that specific type of reward. No two people are the same, and neither should be the means used to motivate them.

Maybe that why I’m so keen on pursuing HRM?? The idea of learning attributes associated with human behaviour skyrockets my enthusiasm to exponential levels. At the latter part of my school career I became aware of my ability in managing people and harnessing their best output. Now, back to lovely Venus!!!

I wonder how it would be like to understand a Venusian. Get to know all her likes and dislikes, strengths and fears, dreams and hopes, expectations and reciprocations, and so much more. Diving into a Venusians’ personality pool certainly must be an exhilarating and not to mention an adventurous exercise. Undoubtedly, the entire process is indeed challenging as compared to the Martians, considered primitive in comparison. In my case, that’s the beauty of it all, and the sole reason Martians chase after Venusians. Although, harping on the fact how complex they are is an excuse for not infusing effort to understand them better. Looking through lenses of reality my turn to indulge in the Venusian ‘experience’ would not be for sometime. But I’m fortunate enough to have helped out a few Venusians regarding the Martian perspective, and in turn soak up a considerable portion of info.

When talking about the ‘other side of Venus’, it deals with the demeanour and mentality of some Venusians –a minority in the planet- that cannot be comprehended even by the majority. I would not say anymore regarding this due to certain reservations.


Najia said...

i love that song! one of the most romantic i've heard :-)

lubnaaa said...

Poor Martians, primitives in comparison? Ahmed, you're too hard on them (and yourself!)

But I'd have to agree on the positive side of Venusians..because I'm biased that way. :p

(Btw you shouldn't have reservations about what you write in your blog. It's YOUR blog. It's where you're supposed to put down your opinions.)

Loner said...

Naj- Bryan Adams rocks la!! I was searching for the perfect song for the post. I kinda want to do a fusion thingy with songs. ;)

Lubbie- no worries on you being biased, kinda expected la. I'll try to remove my reservations from now on k :)

monday173 said...

Well Martians, despite being a tad primitive on occasions,are somewhat adorable.

But then again, I wouldn't call them primitive. Just far less complicated than the Venusians.

One thing I like about them...
Nothing beats a good round of guy talk with the boys I say.

Well...maybe except for a girl talk session. Haha