Monday, May 05, 2008

Fighting the bulge

After many weeks of procrastination, the hour dawned to step up to the plate. Enough was enough, and something had to be done. I set about finding a manual or book that would get me motivated. Having done the same things before my intention was to change my whole routine. I thought better get specialised help, thus started searching for books.

In the weekend, i ventured with the friend to a massive bookshop and poured over many on weight training. In the end, with some buddy opinion, settled for a book that propagated high intensity workouts. After buying it on saturday, I have yet to read the first page (i know.... my situation is absolutely deplorable). I am going to make a commitment hence forth to stick to my routine and get jiggy with it. That is after I finish reading the book. At times, nothing can beat or overpower procrastination.

A point to ponder?!?..... hmmmmmm, I should think so.

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