Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A late bloomer takes his final bow

The results are out and everything is now over. All that remains are reflections of the times that used to be. I must say that I was on pins as the date came closer to see my results. On D-Day, I was trying to take everything easy, but there was a heightened sense of anxiety. Anxiety was rushing through my body like a Formula 1 Grand Prix. At the times it peaked, then later subsided, but never diminished. I remembered my goal beginning of the semester- to get my best results possible and get my highest gpa. I achieved my goal. I gave it all I had and spared nothing. Thus, no regrets.

There were a lot of wishes, especially from the family. News had even gone to an uncle working in KSA, which was a big surprise. He called me at the dead of night with such enthusiasm that it even blew me away. I'm not jumping for joy just yet. I know, results are good, but this is only the beginning. There is lots more to be done, to be achieved, to be learnt- much more. I like to keep a cool head and not drift into dreamland. My brother was startled to hear me say that I'm going to look for a job. He had assumed I would take a holiday first. Nope, none of that. I think 2 weeks is a good holiday. I feel my mind losing its edge a bit.

My only disheartening thought is how a first-class eluded me by 0.06. Now, that is a really thought provoking matter. I can only wonder where that 0.06 went, but I know the answer to it. But there is no point crying over spilt milk, is there??

I conclude with veni, vidi, vici :)

1 comment:

lubnaaa said...

Julius Caesar. :)
