Friday, October 24, 2008

Closed closets with open secrets

In my head: ‘With arms wide open’ by Creed.

Getting rid of the pre-exam blues is essential for my psyche. Just thinking of the dreaded challenge ahead makes my head spin like a top. On Thursday (23rd Oct), it turned out to be a cut loose sessions with a many things coming out of the closet from those who were present at Miss. Nerd’s house.

The narration of the past events will be done in names that give more excitement to the reader. I like it this way by giving everyone nicknames. It’s more enjoyable and a bit anonymous, I hope.

Miss. Angel was good enough to give me a lift to the place along with her hubby, and not to mention Mr. MB (Mama’s Boy). We were the first to arrive and made ourselves comfy while helping ourselves to the snacks. Munching was going to take on the whole new level from then onwards. Miss. Nerd’s little bro took an exceptional liking to Miss. Angel to the extent he climbed on her shoulders. I must say the small chap has immense potential in scaling many things. Miss. Angel was scared out of her wits, but things ended well. This proves Miss. Angel is a hit among children, good on you!!

The lunch was very delicious and I did not hesitate to take seconds from most of the things. But I took many serving of the satay. Who wants to count that anyway?? The guys were left to shame by Miss. Model who marched on to the third serving with ease. This is one chick who knows how to dig in. I must say it was very enjoyable to see a lady not bothered about eating less. Hats off to Miss. Nerd for preparing a luncheon that hit all the right notes. Now where’s my check list?? I have to strike out ‘culinary ability’ on Miss. Nerd’s profile.

Miss. Hyper took most people’s attention by giving captions to many pics taken that day. The most common was she posing as the second wife of Miss. Angel. I’m hardly complaining because I played a part in one of the pics - Miss. Hyper’s jealous ex-boyfriend. I’m quite content with the response from those present, but the best would be Miss. Model. Her ability to mimic many emotions and the art of effortless posing seem too good. On the bright side, women are good at posing anyway. Miss. I-am-Hot and Miss. RF (Roger Federer) imparted a few female perspectives on certain issues which were much helpful. It’s quite sad when a cute guy later turns out to be gay!! They didn’t seem at all happy about the prospects.

All in all, it was great food, bellies full of laughs, hundreds of candid pics, and not to mention the kinky nonsense talk. It was perfect, and to all those who were there “let’s do it again eyy?”

What I learnt out of this:

  • Baju Melayu is like Kryptonite to women so it’s no harm flaunting it while it lasts.
  • Women know that guys don’t like skinny models, and prefer Sports Illustrated (well, Miss. Model did anyway!!)
  • Living up to Miss. Hyper’s standards of posing requirements is certainly tough and not to mention awkward.
  • You can admit to any guy things amidst women as long as your girlfriend is not there.
  • It’s not only guys who act gay because chicks do it too. (this was mind blowing)
  • Apparently, for some reason all the ‘HOT’ women seem to be living in Bangi ( know who you are??)

p.s- If you folks want to see priests singing ‘Ave Maria’ do check this out.


Fara Fatihah said...

"Living up to Miss. Hyper’s standards of posing requirements is certainly tough and not to mention awkward"

haha.its not that awkward if u practice. so do practice more;)
i wonder whos this ms hyper.she sounds fun. lol

monday173 said...

"Women know that guys don’t like skinny models, and prefer Sports Illustrated (well, Miss. Model did anyway!!)"

Hahahah Miss Model sure knows how to read you boys.

"Baju Melayu is like Kryptonite to women so it’s no harm flaunting it while it lasts."

True that. So do wear it again eh?

Anonymous said...

its nice of u to give such nice nicknames hehe. its no problem at all ahmed. all the best for finals!

Loner said...

Miss. Hyper: dont worry i'm getting my head around the whole posing thingy. next time lets have a blast. i heard the pics in aisya's camera look fab ;)

Miss. Model: we really have a lot of catching up to do. i'm kinda diggin you laa. the talk session that day was dope dude!!

Miss. Angel: thank you for the motivation..

Now where did Miss. I-am-Hot go off to eh?? haha

Anonymous said...

From Miss Nerd to Mr. Loner-in-Kryptonite:

Congratulations and thank you.
You could not have worded it any better and I'm glad you had as much fun as you've expressed it (I hope).

But one thing disturbs me - you have a list?! And why do you need to strike it off anyway? What happens when everything's struck off?