Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Everything has a price

What's playing in my head: many rivers to cross by Jimmy Cliff.

Before I continue, I would like to wish everyone a Eid Mubarak!! A day full of joy, laughter, reflection and remembrance. As for me, its been 3 years since I last celebrated Eid or any other festival back home. The time seems to blow away and one hardly even feels it. I am not certain about my chances of celebrating Eid would come any time soon. Being aware of your plight seems to make it easier to set free some emotions or feelings. Eid is a time for family and relatives; those who are most dearest to your heart, and mean absolutely the world to you. Frankly, that feeling is eroding like grains of sand passing through ones finger tips. Maybe its natural for my state, but then again maybe not.

It got me thinking as to why I'm whining so much?? I mean, after all its not like I dont have a place to go. I am so grateful to my 'adopted' big brother; that's what I call him anyway. I can turn to him for anything, and he is always there to lend a helping hand. I feel so sad about the people less fortunate during this time. Some are burdened with many difficulties and constraints that dampen their enthusiasm. The most shocking is hearing about those who died while returning home to celebrate Eid. The pain, hurt and anguish caused to the victims loved ones is incomprehensible. My heart goes out to all of them and also my prayers.

During these 3 years I have learnt an important rule. It applies to almost everything we do. In economics, it is referred to as opportunity cost. The underlying rule is that man cannot have everything, thus at times a few wants should be forgone for the sake of others. The question is how much a person will give up to actually procure something he/she deeply wants?? Answer to it is quite subjective from one individual to another. It also depends on the hierarchy of needs.

Everything in this world has a price. The million dollar question is do you have what it takes in order to pay the price?? The 'price' here does not necessarily have to reflect a monetary value. It can be psychological, emotional, physiological and many more depending on each individual.


Najia said...

ive always wondered why there r so many fatalities during raya. now that i drive around, i see that it's because of their lackadaisical approach to safety on the road. they dont give a fig about the speed limit and they tail gate.

Loner said...

yea naj, your quite right about the safety issue and you taught me a new word!!! how great is that?!? my friends dad died on friday in sri lanka. good thing my friend was there at his side.
I don't know why la cz this raya lot of bad vibes :(