Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus

The title speaks of an adage old saying of how different both men and women are by nature. It says that both sexes mean contrastingly different things even when using the same word; absorbing and interpreting external stimuli; the manner of perceiving a specific situation etc. Bottom line is that men and women are worlds apart. I happened to learn it the hard way in recent times. But is there no common ground or matters of mutual understanding?? Will there be no solution to this question that keeps on baffling both sexes?? Frankly, I think it is more of a challenge on men when it comes to comprehending women. Women just go on leading their normal lives without much worry, or so I am told.

One myth being perpetuated is that men are insensitive. They never show their true feelings most of the time, and keep them under lock and key from others. In order to put the record straight, men are not comfortable sharing sentimental moments with everybody. The closer the person, more comfortable a man feels. Public showing of emotion is not in a man's nature either. I have shared moments with many of my friends dealing with sensitive information. These are mostly related to relationship issues, and sometimes men do cry. Yes folks, you heard me!!! Men cry, but given that they are so overwhelmed by a particular incident that pushes them over the cliff.

In showing interest both sexes use numerous strategies. I have been exposed to a few, and also implemented some as well. I must admit that the strategies keep on evolving over time, but retain the earlier essence in objective. At times, traffic is only a one way street. Then comes a situation when traffic is flowing on both sides of the bridge. Another type occurs when the signal lights malfunction on one side of the bridge giving mixed feedback. Out of the three the types the final is without doubt the most excruciating. I wonder if there is a real life Mr. Hitch?? How I would jump at the chance of taking a few tutorials from him. I wonder who taught him, hmmm?

Frankly, I accept the difference in genders. Got no problem with it at all, but no one should overdo it. Then it upsets the whole apple cart, and that is just not cool. I am a very sensitive because of my mum and resilient due to my dad's influence. So, its all good in the end. My premise is that understanding each other will help to maintain the balance, and for God sake don't go overboard with stupid mumbo jumbo. That goes to both men and women, since it's all about equity.

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