Monday, September 08, 2008

My Veiled Sister

Queuing in line at the KFC can be a very painstaking ordeal. Especially, when one is has only about 10 minutes to get the food before breaking fast. After a visit to an air fair, a friend and I wound up at KFC thinking it a good place to break fast. At the air fair, we didn’t buy tickets, but succumbed to a lot of heart burns and palpitations. Why you might ask?? If a person had to pay double the air fair he used to within a span of a year, even a heart attack is possible. I tell you, the prices were simply ridiculous and I thought it was caused by my hearing. Then after looking into a few other places it became fact. Damn those Middle Eastern oil barons!!! I have a bone pick with OPEC, and it aint going be pretty.

There were about 3 queues in all with people snaking back until about 12 feet or more. The call to break fast had ended, but we were still standing. We were served drinks from the counter out of courtesy. Then something I never expected happened. A veiled lady who was standing in the line next to me started handing people dates. At first I thought she would only give to the ones closest to her. After she finished giving to those people in her line, she came over to ours. This lady was veiled from head to foot, and I could only see her eyes. As I took a date from her box, even though she didn’t say anything, I felt the warmth of her kindness. All I could say was “Thank you, sister. Thank you, very much.” I was touched by her small gesture, which warmed my heart. I am sure that Allah will reward her immensely for her goodness in the hereafter. Later, I saw her with two children, and by the looks of it they were her own. I smiled looking at the children knowing that they have a very kind and noble hearted mother. To my veiled sister, wherever you are, may you live happily with the grace of God in the days, months and years to come.

While returning, I noticed another sister from my university disembarking from the LRT minus her scarf. I have seen it all too many times, but this time it just made me angry. I think it’s because of my previous encounter at KFC. I am not the one to judge people, but some need to take stock of their priorities. Many times I have wondered why all the things we are learning are turning into a farce?? Religion is becoming an accessory and being abused and manipulated in so many ways. I have a lot to say about this, but why waste my breath. I think its better for those concerned to realise their own folly and rectify them.


Anonymous said...

"Religion is becoming an accessory"

I wrote that once, those very lines, but I meant it a little differently.

It bothers me that people are bothered by the fact that I'm bothered they treat Islam like a buffet table - picking and choosing what they like, and leaving the rest.

"Religion is a private matter, mind your own business."

I'm no judge of character, since I'm very much flawed myself, but frankly I think they've lost the plot.

Loner said...

It seems that both of us on the same page. Well, to a certain extent anyway. Pay no heed to those people who are bothered by your opinion. Frankly, I could care less about those folk. I wouldn't even mind giving them a piece of my mind. What can I say, maybe it's just me.

I find it very comforting that you can also relate to this scenario in your own way.

As for religion being a private matter, it should not come at the expense of others. It's been happening a whole lot even in places that are 'supposedly' Islamic. I am sure you get my drift on this one. I could be blunt, but it would only a ruffle a few feathers.

Anonymous said...

religion is becoming an accesory, just to get into UIA. many a times ppl want to tegur such girls like the one u mentioned in ur post but they'll just say "mind ur beeswax!".